
Mathematics is known as the language of the Universe. Maths brings order to our lives and prevents chaos. It helps in nurturing the power like that of logical reasoning, critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving ability, abstract and spatial thinking. It is an extensive analysis of interlinked concepts and overlapping topics which helps in developing a strong foundation. 

It is mainly divided into two broad categories: Pure mathematics and applied mathematics and these branches are further divided into various other parts, some of them are:

  1. Elementary Maths/ Arithmetics

It is the most basic branch of mathematics which sets the foundation. It includes numbers and their applications. It includes subtraction, multiplication, division, addition in their basic form which later gets used to solve large calculations involving exponents, limits e.t.c.

  1. Algebra 

Algebra word is derived from the Arabic word- “al jabr” which translates to “a reunion of broken parts”. It is a branch of mathematics where unknown symbols are solved and manipulated to arrive at a result.

  1. Geometry

Geometry is the branch where geometric objects of different shapes and sizes are studied in different dimensions. Its basic elements are lines, points, angles, solids and surfaces.

  1. Trigonometry

It is derived from the Greek word “trigonan” which means triangle and “metry” which means “measure”. This branch deals with studying angles and sides of triangles to measure length and  distance. 

  1. Calculus

It is believed to be the most complex and advanced branch of mathematics.  Earlier, maths was used only for static objects but with the advent of calculus, it could be applied to objects in motion. This branch is further divided into ‘Differential’ and ‘Integral’ calculus.

  1. Number system

It is one of the oldest branches of mathematics and used to deal with sets of real numbers. It includes simpler properties of integers like addition, subtraction, and multiplication and also complex ones such as game theory, cryptography e.t.c.

  1. Linear Algebra

It includes exploring and computing vector properties, vector spaces and matrices.

  1. Topology

This is a recent addition to the branches of mathematics which deals with deformations of different geometries under twisting, stretching, crumpling and bedding.

  1. Probability and Statistics

It is an abstract branch which deals with the use of mathematical concepts to calculate the likeness of an event happening or not. It is also used to organise, analyse and interpret a data collection.

  1. Computational sciences: This comes under applied mathematics and has further two parts namely ‘Numerical analysis’ and ‘computer algebra’.
