
Physics Physics is a major branch of natural science which deals with studying Matter, its motion and behaviour through time and space, its fundamental constituents and the related entities of force and energy. Physics is one of the oldest academic scientific disciplines. This branch often intersects with interdisciplinary areas of research such as quantum chemistryContinue reading “Physics”


Astronomy Our Universe is 13.8 billion years old, it emerger through the famous “Big Bang”. After this, gamma rays burst 13.1 billion years ago leading to the formation of the first galaxies some 12.85 billion years ago. Our galaxy- “The milky Way” is said to be formed about 11 billion years ago and its diskContinue reading “Astronomy”

Units of Time

Units of Time Time is defined as a continuous and ongoing sequence of events that occurs in irreversible succession, from the past, through the present and into the future. We measure time generally in seconds, minutes, hours, days and years by using clocks and calendars. A unit of time is basically measuring a duration byContinue reading “Units of Time”


Mathematics Mathematics is known as the language of the Universe. Maths brings order to our lives and prevents chaos. It helps in nurturing the power like that of logical reasoning, critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving ability, abstract and spatial thinking. It is an extensive analysis of interlinked concepts and overlapping topics which helps in developing aContinue reading “Mathematics”

Tree of knowledge system

Tree of Knowledge system Tree of Knowledge (ToK) System is a kind of map that traces the cosmic evolution on the basis of three planes of existence: Matter, Mind, Life and Culture which comes under physical, psychological, biological and social parts of science. This system was developed by GreggHenriques, Professor and Core-faculty member at JamesContinue reading “Tree of knowledge system”

Attention Span

Attentions span by different age groups Attention span is the amount of time a person can concentrate on a single task without getting distracted. Now, this attention span varies in different age groups. The average attention span for different age groups: Age Attention span 2 years 4 to  6 minutes. 4 years 8 to 12Continue reading “Attention Span”

Content Writing steps

Content Writing steps( Beginner level) A content writer is often subjected to the notion that they must write more than 1000 words per day especially if it’s a startup. But it’s really hard to put numbers on the word count of content writers/bloggers/freelance writers as there is a huge variance in how much a personContinue reading “Content Writing steps”

Probably useful softwares

Tools used in content writing: Grammarly: It is a free application that checks the grammar and spelling of your work and suggests changes too. It makes your content clear and error-free, thus increasing your efficiency. You can install Grammarly as a separate application or use its extension in your search engine. Notes: Google note isContinue reading “Probably useful softwares”

Content template

Template for content Title: It is the most crucial part of the article as this is a great way to attract traffic to your articles. The topic must be short, easily understandable and catchy and should be able to define the whole article. Introduction: No matter what type of content you write, it is reallyContinue reading “Content template”