Time Management

Time management Time management is the process of planning control on time spent on various activities to increase productivity and effectiveness. One has to balance all the aspects of life: work, family, friends, health in order to achieve an adequate system of living your life. And to manage all these aspects, we need to aContinue reading “Time Management”

Musical Instruments

Types of musical instruments A musical instrument is an equipment used to create musical sounds. The musical instrument’s history goes back to 67000 years ago, it is believed that the earliest known musical instrument was a flute (pipe bones were used as flute at that time).   There is no defined number for  types of musicalContinue reading “Musical Instruments”


Music Music is an art of arranging sounds in time through elements of harmony, rhythm, melody and timbre. Music is known as one of the universal cultural aspects of our society. It is an interesting topic for narrative construction, evolutionary theory, and natural philosophy. It is basically predated speech, but how to draw lines betweenContinue reading “Music”


Meditation and cultures All over the world, meditation is practised in many cultures with or without religious purposes. Psychologists focus more on various forms of East-Asian Yoga practices, but other forms of meditation practises also occur across all these cultures. Anthropologists have found that meditation is very likely to be one of the earliest religiousContinue reading “Meditation”

Mother Nature

Mother nature Mother nature, also known as Earth mother or Mother Earth, is an embodiment of nature that focuses on nurturing and life-giving aspects of nature in one form or the other. The origin of the word “nature” is found in the Latin word “natura” which translates to character or birth. The word was firstContinue reading “Mother Nature”


Gratitude and Prayers Gratitude is an expression of appreciation for whatever we already possess, be it tangible or intangible. It is a ‘ Thank you ‘ note for every positive aspect of one’s life that helps us be aware of our surroundings and new possibilities. It is also a ‘ Thank you ’ note forContinue reading “Gratitude”


Education Education has a lot of definitions such as it is a process of imparting and acquiring knowledge, it develops the ability of judgement and reasoning and preparing oneself intellectually for mature and successful life. Some people believe that education enables oneself to upgrade socioeconomic mobility and escape poverty. It is very true that educationContinue reading “Education”


Organizations which prepare a guidelines differ from country to country.