Formatting tools

Different formatting tools are: Alignment:  Adjusting the alignment of your text helps set image replacement or the text flow according to the page, tab, column or cell. Text alignment is also called text justification and there are four types of alignments: right, left, centre and justify. Fonts:  segoe, geometric, monospace, Handwriting(Andy / Comic Sans /Continue reading “Formatting tools”

Content Writing Tips:

Content Writing Tips: Plan your work: Having a proper structure to your article, preparing an outline, are the key factors of your writing which will result in top quality content. Research well: This factor weighs into determining the quality of your content as well-researched articles provide facts that will provide the reader update upgrade asContinue reading “Content Writing Tips:”

Types of Content

Types of Content There are two types of content: online and offline. The term “content writing” has been mainstreamed into the online world but offline content also exists such as newspapers, books, magazines e.t.c. Physical types of content: Digital Types of content writing References:

Document editor shortcuts

Shortcut keys in Google Docs Google Document is an online word processor freely provided by Google Inc. It provides you direct access to other tools of Google such as sheets, notes, calendars and thus is preferred more than the other word processors. Although it is an online application, it works in offline mode too. AnotherContinue reading “Document editor shortcuts”

Common Shortcut keys

Common Shortcut Keys When one can find a short way of accomplishing the same task that otherwise may take several minutes or maybe hours, there’s no going back to the traditional way. Shortcuts have become an absolute necessity in today’s world with busy schedules and no time for leisure. Like many shortcuts, we have shortcutContinue reading “Common Shortcut keys”

Graphic Design

Image manipulation Image manipulation or Photograph manipulation refers to the alteration or transformation of a photograph using various techniques available through different software to obtain the required results. Image manipulation doesn’t necessarily apply to photographs only but can be applied to images created using the computer. There are mainly two types of images: Vector images:Continue reading “Graphic Design”

Content writing

Content Writing  Content is a very diverse term, anything around us that is a matter of subject, that can be conveyed from one person to another, or whatever attracts an audience is a form of content.


Noises and Communication Communication is an interaction between at least two subjects. This interaction can be visual, verbal or written. Now any type of disruption in this interaction hinders the quality and ease of communication. Especially in verbal communication, any kind of noise even if they are in the far background can result in anContinue reading “Noises”